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ICAI: Restricting revocation of UDINs within 48 hours
ICAI Important New Announcement on Restricting revocation of Unique Document Identification Number (UDINs) within 48 hours– The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India -Council, in its 420th meeting held on 23rd-24th March, 2023, decided that revocation of Unique Document Identification Number (UDINs) would now be possible within 48 hours from the time of its generation
This means that going forward, the members will only have 48 hours from the moment the UDINs are generated to revoke them if they so choose.
Therefore, the information that the Unique Document Identification Number, which is being checked, could only be revoked within 48 hours of the time it has been produced, would be sent to the regulators/ authorities/banks/others that verify the legitimacy of the Unique Document Identification Number’s.
you may consider this as information, please email The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India -Council with any questions at
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