Nidhi company

Nidhi company

FAQs on Nidhi Company in India

RJA 26 Aug, 2021

FAQs ON NIDHI COMPANY Q.1: Will the deposits made with the Nidhi Company safe and secured? Yes, such deposits are safe and secure since the Ministry of Corporate Affairs and Reserve Bank of India has framed certain rules and regulations, to ensure protection and security of Deposits. ...

Nidhi company

FAQ’s on open Liaison /Branch office in India

RJA 29 Jun, 2021

Foreign citizens can open an entity in India via either by opening a Liaison Office or Branch Office or Subsidiary Company. A company that is incorporated outside India has the option to have offices in India that are not primarily subsidiary companies. Subject to the Reserve Bank of India (“...

Nidhi company

How was the Nidhi Company established in India?

RJA 05 Jun, 2021

How was the Nidhi Company established in India? The Nidhi firm is classified as an NBFC, however, it does not require an RBI licence. Section 406 of the Companies Act, 2013 governs Nidhi company registration. The basic business is to take and give money (borrowing and lending by monitory means) among its ...

Nidhi company

How to Closing of a Nidhi Company?

RJA 04 Jun, 2021

Nidhi Company is a type of Non-Banking Financial Company established under Section 406 of the Companies Act, 2013. The primary goal of a Nidhi Company is to cultivate the norm of thrift and saving within its members. If a Nidhi Company does not comply with the regulations, it is preferable ...

Nidhi company

Annual filing Compliance of Nidhi Company in India

RJA 13 Sep, 2020

Overview of Nidhi Company and its compliance  Nidhi Company is a mutual benefit company, which has the principal objects of borrowing and lending of money between its members. Being a Nidhi Company, it has to stay compliant always. The regulation relating to Nidhi Companies is specified in Section 406 of ...

Nidhi company

Key Overview before the Nidhi Company Incorporation

RJA 04 Sep, 2020

Complete Understanding of Nidhi Company Registration Overview Nidhi Company is a mutual benefit company, where members can borrow money from each other to fulfil their financial needs. Reserve bank of India has mandated that no company can carry on the finance business unless and until it is reserved with the ...

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