Rajput Jain & Associates Chartered Accountants brings that all together with dedication to your success.
- Indian Member firm of Exclusive member in India of Association of International Tax Consultants (AITC)
- Peer Review Firm within the code of conduct of the ICAI Norms.
- Recommended Firm as per Global Legal Expert & Rated top firm by International review for taxation.
- Member in executive Audit & Assurance Standards Board committees of NIRC of the ICAI, in 2010.
- Co-operative member on Study Circle Coordination Committee of NIRC of the ICAI, 2014-2015.
- Panel of Comptroller and Auditor General of India (CAG) in the category of “Chartered Accountant firms qualifying for major Public Sector Undertakings Audit”.
- Official Liquidator appointed in many Corporate (in Liq) as Chartered Accountants in the capacity of an Official Liquidator by Government of India, MCA, Office of the Official Liquidator, Delhi High court.
- Undertaken Audits of a large number of branches for a number of nationalized banks, such as SBI, Syndicate Bank, Punjab and Sind Bank, Central Bank Of India, Indian Oversees Bank, PNB etc.
- Distinguished Alumni – Shyam Lal Collage & Zakir Hussain College, Univ. of Delhi – 1996.
- Certificated Peer Reviewer from within the code of conduct of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India Norms- 2019.
- Certified Fraud Examiner as FAFD from ICAI and CEH(USA)
- Insolvency Professional on the penal of various Banks and IBBI
- Independent Director on details in Data Bank of MCA penal.
- In Penal of Indian Council of Arbitration (ICA): Rajput Jain & associates though the partner is Life Time Membership of Indian Council of Arbitration(ICA)